Friday, November 19, 2010

We are the Tigers!

SIGH. That's three times in a row now...
The football team at my high school just went to state finals. Yeah, we're awesome like that. We have gone to state three times already. And the last two years, we lost each game. And this year we were so sure that we were going to finally take state. I swear, we've never been so incredible. But, sadly we didn't win. I wish I could of gone up to see that game. But I guess it's a good thing I didn't go...

Well, no use crying about it. We did amazing this season! We fought strong, like we always do. We may not have won this time but we will not give up.
I dedicate this quote to the Hurricane tiger football team.
You guys rock.

"The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur".
Vince Lombardi

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hakuna Matata!

Lately, I have just been branching out! Just today, I joined the Drama Club. I'm not acting or anything. I'm more like the stage techie... I am painting the sets for the play this December, A Christmas Carol. I will be working on the sets with three other girls. I am so excited. It seems like a tough job to do but I am up for it.

Also, I am still working on my book Earthela. I know my last post seemed a little far-fetched. But I assure you, I'm going to make something out of it. And it will be awesome.

I am also in this club called INTERACT. It's a community service club and I really like doing stuff for people, animals or the environment. And thats what this club is all about. I think we are working on a project for Thanksgiving. I'm not sure, though. I couldn't really come up with anything to do for a service project so I am brain-stroming for something very good to do this Christmas.

ALSO, I am in the FCCLA club and that is a family and community club. We have these things called Star Projects and that is where you or a group of people come up with a good, productive project and if it's good enough, they can go up to state and regionals. The projects can be just about anything. I want to do a group team with my forgein friend, Yok Tasawat. She is from Thailand and she is just amazing and a really good friend. Anyway, we are probably going to try and do a project to enter. The day to go to state is on February 10, 2011. Which is my birthday. I don't want to go up--where ever it is that we are going--for my birthday. Unless we go to DisneyLand!

SIGH. So many things. I just feel like I can do anything! I love that feeling... It makes me feel worth something. Which is something I really need to feel because if you ask any of my friends, they'll tell you that I am pretty negative about myself. I'm trying not to be. And lately, I haven't had one negative thought. I feel happy.

"Hakuna Matata." What a wonderful phrase!
It means no worries, for the rest of your days
It's my problem-free, philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


 So yesterday, I just had this burst of inspiration. Lately, I haven't been able to come up with anything to draw. I like to make up my own characters and warriors and mages and stuff like that. But I just couldn't think of anything new and epic to design. But then, while I was looking through those websites that tell you what a person name means, I suddenly got this amazing idea. I don't know how but I think it's because I saw a name I really liked and that's the name of the main character now. So it started out as a drawing but then it turned into this whole story! I've decided I'm going to write a book. I think it's a pretty awesome idea. I plan to make it a series. The first book will be called: Earthela. It's going to be about magic and medieval times and kingdoms and all that good, nerdy stuff. I've never really been into medieval times but Megan was telling me about this show she watches called Merlin, and it sounds way awesome. Then I just got into that kind of stuff. I've already drawn out the characters and I've even started on the first chapter. I have the whole thing planned out in my head. I'm so excited!

Pan's Labyrinth
This movie also inspired me.
Well I'm going to go and make some sketches for my book cover.
Later people.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ballet is not my calling...

Pointe shoes.
Absolutely gorgeous when they're on professional, experienced ballet dancers.
But, when they're on my feet... it's not that pretty.

Yesterday, I went with my friend Megan and her parents to a Nutcracker rehearsal. While her parents practiced this dancing scene, Megan and I went out into the hall and she let me try on her pointe shoes. I only had them on for about three minutes and my feet were already hurting! She tried to help me get my feet to turn-out and she let me hold on to her while I tried to stand on my toes. I could barely keep my weight up. When I see her dance in them she makes it look so easy. It's not. Have you ever heard this quote? "If ballet were easy, they'd call it football." Yeah, I think I could last longer on a football field.
Just kidding, I wouldn't.
Anyway, I'm excited for this years Nutcracker. I saw it last year for the first time and I fell in love with it. It was such a beautiful performance.
Well, I'm off to find my real calling.
Wish me luck.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Hi. My name is Veronica Noemi Martinez. I am an average, 15 year old teenager. I've never had a blog before but my best friend, Megan Murset, (She also has a blog. It's awesome. You should go check it out.) convinced me to finally make one. I never thought I would be able to have a blog because all the blogs I've looked at are VERY good. The bloggers are very good writers and everything they say just makes me want to keep on visiting their blogs. I love to write but I don't think that I am a very good attention-getting writer.
But I shall give it a try.